Academic Shoot Reflection and Critique

1. Well to be completely honest, I thought about following composition rules, but they were definitely not my main goal when taking photos. So when you asked me to describe which one I used, I realized I had unintentionally followed them and so they did end up looking like one of each composition.

2. Most people, not just photographers, know what taking a picture in third person is. I really enjoy taking pictures, and looking at pictures taken with this composition, so I take a lot of photos in third person.

3. If I did the assignment again, I would definitely focus on the composition rules. Since I understand them better and have seen more examples of each one, then I feel like I could produce really good photos.

4. Something I would keep the same is definitely the manual setting. I really like this setting because you get to adjust different things the way you want them to be, so you get the exact picture you are looking for.

5. Third person I believe, is the easiest composition rule to achieve.

6. Balance is the composition rule I struggle the most with for sure.

7. Balance is definitely something that I am unfamiliar with more than the other composition rules. I just have to see more examples of balanced photos, and keep practicing that composition with my own photos.
