Photo Manipulation and Ethics

A.) Since the start of photography, people have been changing the way photos look. People debate between how far you can go before the picture you're editing is unethical. Editors/journalists taking people out or adding people to photos is thought very unethical. Only editing small things like cosmetic things are still unethical, but not as much.

B.) The philosophy of manipulating photos for newspapers and magazines like the New York Times and Washington post are very dead on and strict. Photo proofs have to be turned in before final pictures can be printed, and no alterations can be made on the photograph.

C.) I think editing color of a photo is acceptable. I am all about making someone look tanner or the scene more saturated, but editing someone body to make them look skinnier or curvy or fat, etc. is so wrong beyond words. I think it is acceptable to edit out a pimple or something, but not make someones nose better, or eyes more oriented.

I find this photo the most unethical and disturbing because they made Kim's arms and legs thinner than what they really are. Kim is absolutely stunning in the first photo, but what society has told women these days is shown in the picture to the right. I think it is wrong to change how someone really looks, especially the huge change of body size.


I personally think that this is not that unethical because they didn't change the man at all, only the contrast and exposure. It might make him look more like a criminal and scary, but it was only changing things around him instead of him.
