Student of the Month Interview

1. How do you feel getting chosen to be the student of the month (SOTM)?
2. Why do you think you were chosen to be the SOTM?
3. Do you like going to school?
4. What kind of grades do you make?
5. Do you think that people enjoy your company?
6. What kind of extracirriculars  do you do?
7. Do they take up a lot of your time?
8. What do you do in your free time?
9. What classes are you taking right now?
10. How much time do you study for them in a normal week?
11. Is there a preferred way you study?
12. Do you enjoy study groups?
13. What websites help you study?
14. Are you a hands on, visual, or audible learner?
15. How much time do you spend with your friends a week?
16. how much time are you on your phone during the day?
17. What time do you wake up/go to bed everyday?
18. Do you plan on going to college?
19. If yes, which school is your dream school? If not, what do you want to do?
20. What is your ideal job?


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