
Merger Photo questions

1. Is there something you see in the photo above that you think could be a problem when you take your photos? Look carefully. You have to make sure your camera does not move at all during your photos because It will move the background which could ruin your photo. Also watch out for shadows. 2. Where do you think would be a great place to take this type of picture here on the Bowie campus? I think out on the field could work, or on the tennis courts where there are solid colors. 3. Can you think of something creative to actually DO in the photo when you take yours? You could jump, get on different levels, as well as depths. 4. Is there something you could wear that would help you when you do this photo? Maybe different outfits each pose so that it looks really cool and different.

Graffiti/Found Objects Photos!




HDR photography preview

1. You will need to adjust shutter speed and aperture as well as exposure bracketing. 2. You will need a tripod to stabilize your camera to keep it from moving, also it is recommended to have HDR blending software. 3. Someone might take an HDR photo to capture creative and neat photos that aren't just a snapshot that doesn't have anything really to it. It is also capture something that is going to stay in place for a while. 4.(Ex. the stars) You can't capture stars the first time you take a photo of them, but if you take a series of photos and then overlap them, like in HDR photos, eventually you will see the stars.

My Infographics on Johnny Depp!

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Final Exam Planning

1. I will shoot tonight! 2. Around Austin, my house, wherever I go 3. A day in my life, hanging out with my family 4. I will only need my camera to do this 5. I am cutting the 45 seconds of video into a series of many 5 second clips. I want to really capture the fun moments I share with my family. My narration will most likely be at the beginning or ending. I don't want to do random spots among the video, I want it all in one spot of the video.