Winner O, The Oprah Magazine, September, Hair! "It just might be one of the great hair days of all time. For O, The Oprah Magazine’s September 2013 hair-a-palooza issue, photographer Ruven Afanador captured Oprah Winfrey radiant in a magnificent Afro. (As was widely reported, the wig, which Oprah christened “Wild Thang,” weighed about the same as a Chihuahua.) The cover sparked “’Froprah” mania, garnering 337,346,650 media impressions; Oprah’s Instagram of the image drew some 75,000 likes in 24 hours. After 13 years and more than 160 issues with the same cover model (how’s that for a challenge?), O can still surprise, delight, and pump up the volume like nobody else." This is definitely my favorite cover because I am a huge fan of Oprah and hair! There is a composition rule of simplicity in this photo, putting Oprah against a solid colored background making her stand out. Something I wish that the photographer would have done differently is the over all color contras...